Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation
Annual Sabbath

Celebrating God's grace among our international fellowship in Christ.

The Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation is the global church, formerly known as the International Ministerial Congress.

Established in 1978 with the purpose of uniting the international church, supporting doctrinal unity, and coordinating its evangelistic mission, the church now has members in 44 nations and contacts in 100+ countries. 

The International Federation Annual Sabbath takes place on the first Sabbath of each November. Participants learn about the progress of the international church, have opportunity to pray for specific needs, and understand how they can be regularly involved. Congregations in every country are encouraged to generously take up an offering in order to support the international church's work in providing leadership training, mobilising missionaries, development of evangelism and discipleship materials for use in diverse cultures, church planting in regions of the world where we have opportunities, and of judiciously developing the infrastructure needed for a vibrant 21st century church in Christ.

Pastoral Letter

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Every year, on the first Sabbath in November, in homes and in our church venues around the world, the ongoing work of the International Ministerial Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day) is acknowledged and celebrated. The IMC brings together and represents our churches around the world. This creates a framework so we may work together for doctrinal unity and integrity, support global evangelism, provide pastoral training and equipping, as well as support for missionaries. 

On 4 November 2023, (or a following Sabbath that may be better suited locally) our worship services throughout our church fellowships will feature information about our growing international presence, as well as our vision and mission that reflects the diversity of our great family in Christ. The theme of this IMC Sabbath is "Equipped for the Global Mission."

Our participation in this high calling and vision is initiated and empowered by the work of the Holy Spirit through us. As we acknowledge God's good work among us, it's also an opportunity to make a once-a-year donation to help our ongoing and urgent commitment to serve in the mission fields around the world with a vision created and guided by our Lord Jesus Christ. Donation information is listed on our website at Please give generously.

This year, also in November, our congress delegates representing up to 60 countries from across the world are also meeting, for their quadrennial congress, in Port Harcourt in Nigeria, on 13-18 November. This is to further effect and equip the work of the church, work through the current agendas, receive various reports, commission new officers, as well as benefit from the opportunities that face-to-face fellowship naturally provides.

Please pray for the safety and favour of all our delegates travelling from various places around the world. Pray, most importantly, for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all that is said and done as we together advance the mission and vision of a Christ-centred, Bible-based, Spirit-led and Grace-oriented fellowship.

May this year’s IMC annual Sabbath be an event to remember, expressing gratitude and praise to God for calling us into fellowship, among those who “keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus.”

On behalf of the International Ministerial Congress,

In the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,

John Klassek (Secretary)
Ramon Ruiz (President)

Equipped for the Global Mission

Introduction to the church's Annual Sabbath on 4 November 2023, of "Equipped for the Global Mission." Presented by Ramon Ruiz 7 min. (To download using Edge or Chrome, click on the three dots in the LRH corner.)

As family partnering together and defined in Christ alone, the International Ministerial Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day) celebrates this distinctiveness on the first Sabbath every November.

Thus every year the IMC Annual Sabbath in November is a day dedicated to the blessing and the work of the International Ministerial Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day) throughout the world. It's a time of refection and reviewing all God has been doing in our midst, sharing photos and videos of baptisms, new church plants, commissioning of faithful men into service, retirement, different missions and ministries, as well as looking forward, upward and outward.

An offering is also taken up in each fellowship throughout the world in a spirit of partnership and stewardship, so that the IMC may be further and better equipped to minister among us all.

It's also a time of the year when annual reports are submitted, giving greater detail and insight into the everyday walk of faith of our brothers and sisters throughout the world.

Days remaining until the next Annual Sabbath event

2 November 2024

Send us your photos or videos of church life in your area (baptisms, anniversaries, celebrations, evangelism and mission opportunities) from the past year and we would be honoured to feature them in this section of the IMC website.

Share your Dropbox folder with john(at) or use WhatsApp contact of +61 417 177 683 for photos and videos.

The Whole Word for the Whole World