Federation News

News, updates and information from around the world.

Federation Board meeting

Board Meeting

The International Federation board meets regularly via Zoom to work towards a policy-based decisions for the benefit of our international church.

Robert Crawford, President, United Kingdom
Chip Hinds, Treasurer, United States
Bryan Cleeton, Secretary, United States
Whaid Rose, Board Member, United States
Gustav Hultgren, Board Member, Argentina
Daniel Flores, Board Member, United States
John Klassek, Board Member, Australia
Neftali Hernandez, Translator, United States

Convention, Philippines

The 65th National Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day) in the Philippines was held on April 23–28, 2024. New Board members were elected, with Bienvenido Ramos Jr elected as president. Around 800 members attended the event.

Aizawl, Mizoram

The Church of God (Seventh Day) in Mizoram, northern India, hosted their convention and opening ceremony, in March 2024, for a newly built church building in Lunglei city. The event was attended by Pastors Robert Crawford (UK) and John Klassek (Australia). Pictured above at an evening service at the Aizawl South church fellowship. 

Convention Australia

The Church of God (Seventh Day) in Australia  convened in Perth, Western Australia, for their convention 0h 20-23 March 2024. Attended by delegates from across the country, the event was noted for its love, quality of services, seminars and activities. Group photo taken following the final worship service on Sabbath just prior to an abundant fellowship luncheon.

 Guatemala, Zone 2

Delegates gathered in March 2024 in Guatemala, Central America, for a Zone 2 meeting. The event was a wonderful success. The agenda included clarification on the formation of the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation. Visitors included Robert Crawford, Jason Overman, Bryan Cleeton and Ramon Ruiz.

13-18 November 2023

The work of the International Ministerial Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day) was brought to a close on 18 November 2023, after a significant bylaw revision was approved. Delegates from around the world gathered in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, to effect the collaborative work of the church by revising and approving a historic proposal presented by the Global Church Administration Committee which was convened in 2016.

Our part of the Body of Christ is now known as the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation.

Prayer for the newly inaugurated leaders of the CHURCH OF GOD (SEVENTH DAY) International Federation by the last President of the International Ministerial Congress Elder Ramon Ruiz Garza.


Newly elected President, Robert Crawford, shares news of the church and the historical moment we stand on.

From the office of the President

Robert Crawford

Jorge Gillig

We  mourn the loss of brother, pastor and friend Jorge Gillig, who died 21 February 2023 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. Jorge faithfully served the church in Zone 3, planted numerous churches, and was IMC Zone 3 Representative.

Phil Kordahi

Beloved pastor and Chairman of the Church in Australia, Phil Kordahi, died 0n 29 October 2022 after suffering from chronic heart disease. Phil faithfully served the church in Australia for 29 years, as well as throughout the Pacific Rim as Zone 6 Representative.

 Calvin Burrell

Calvin Burrell, now asleep in Christ, served the church locally in the USA and throughout the IMC for much of his ministry career. Loved by many, Calvin's list of service roles are too numerous to list - his love of family, his faith and love for the LORD was evident in all he said and did. He will be missed until that day of glorious resurrection.

IMC Annual Sabbath 2020

IMC Annual Sabbath

The IMC Annual Sabbath is planned for 7 November 2020. We've prepared a pre-recorded worship service, utilising prayers, songs and preaching from around the world. Please download and/or play the video.


Livestreaming options

Given the longevity of the restrictions following the COVID-19 uncertainty, many of our churches have been livestreaming Sabbath Worship Service. Find a livestreaming service at a time that suits you. Click here.


 Sydney, Australia

One of the newer church fellowships planted over the past year has been in Sydney, Australia. While COVID-19 restrictions have impacted weekly church life throughout the country to varying degrees, the faith, vibrancy and growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus is very encouraging.

Mexico 2019

Mexico National Council

The National Council of the Church of God (Seventh Day) Mexico met in Cuernavaca, Morelos on July 14-20, 2019. With 420 in attendance, business included amendments to Bylaws, preparations for the centenary celebrations for the church in Mexico, election of leaders, and clarification on some theological subjects. The closing ceremony was attended by 800 members.

Nigerian National Council

Nigerian National Conference

The Nigerian National Conference Executive was held on Sunday, July 21, 2019 at Obi, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, in Nigeria. Agenda included the election of leadership for another four year term.


 Radio Station

The Church of God (Seventh Day) in the Philippines recently held its 24th National Ministerial Conference, with almost 100 ministers in attendance. Following the conference, visiting IMC delegates were given a tour of the newly launched radio station in central Mindanao.

Facebook Page Feed

Updated regularly with news and information

62nd National Conference
Philippines, April 2019

Zone 2 Convention in Belize
Central America, March 2019

IMC Zone 2 convention

IMC Zone 2 Convention

The IMC Zone 2 Convention held in Belize, Central America, March 7-10, 2019, was a remarkable success, with vibrant worship, inspired teaching, collaboration and vision casting.

With the theme of “The Church We Must Be”, the event was attended by 130 delegates from 10 countries: Belize, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Guatemala. Costa Rica, US and Australia. Special attribution also goes to all who served including delicious meals, equipment and venue hire, transport, accommodation, with sermons and various meetings, as well as numerous acknowledgements. Thanking God for His good work among us.

Super Sabbath

Super Sabbath

The Church of God (Seventh Day) in Australia held its Super Sabbath on 2 March 2019, at Woodville North, in South Australia.

With attendees from across Australia, the themes explored during the weekend were "Bible Based" and "Distinct, Yet Inclusive".

Pastor Phil Kordahi commented that the Super Sabbath event is a timely opportunity for fellowship and worship between the usual General Conference held every two years.

The event closed with a music concert. 


Philippines Convention

The 62nd General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day) in Opol, Mindanao in the Philippines, was held on 21-27 April 2019. This year’s convention theme was “Right Behaviour of the Church of God”. Daily programs consisted of early morning devotion, worship, with preaching focussed on pastor-youth relationships, spouse expectations, parent-children behaviour, and the holy character of the church. 

Total attendance was over 700. Events also included a mass wedding of three couples, numerous ordinations, the dedication of the children, as well as 21 baptisms.

IMC Zone 5 Convention 2018

Theme: "Becoming a Christ Centered Church".
August 8-13, Offinso, Ashanti Region, Ghana, Africa.

IMC Zone 5 Convention 2018

The theme of the IMC Zone 5 Convention 2018 in Offinso, Ashanti in Ghana, "Becoming a Christ Centered Church" was represented by 16 African countries with international visitors. The convention featured inspiring sermons, presentations, devotions, song and dance, fellowship meals and various workshops.

We will be progressively sharing all the sermons and presentations of the convention via video in the coming weeks.

IMC Zone 5 convention

IMC Zone 5 Convention

The IMC Zone 5 convention was held in Offinso, Ashanti region in Ghana, Africa, during 8-13th August 2018.

With about 500 in attendance on Sabbath, many expressed appreciation and gratitude for not only the theme of "Becoming a Christ-Centered Church", but also for the encouraging outcomes and optimism.

A special thanks to all who contributed financially as well as laboured in organisation, meal preparation, equipment setup and take-down, multimedia, preaching, teaching, children's church, transport and many other areas of service.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico visit

August 2018. Ramon Ruiz recently visited Church of God communities in Puerto Rico, spending time in fellowship, and discovering a very similar journey in Christ.

The origin of this church goes back to 1938, and Pastor Lauro Soto is recognized as their founder. After his conversion to the Gospel, and due to his devotion to the Word of God, he decided on his own to establish this new church. Today the Church has twelve local congregations in Puerto Rico, eight in the Dominican Republic and seven more located mainly throughout the US East Coast.




With deep sadness we communicate the death of our brother President of the General Executive Council in Mexico, Min. Raúl López Espinoza.

Faithful soldier of Jesus Christ, his unexpected death occurred on June 19, 2018, in the City of Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Our brother leaves a legacy of love, dedication, joy and passion for the Ministry. He was Pastor in different congregations, Overseer, member of the General Executive Council and the Board of Directors, National Director of Christian Education, Writer, Director and Professor of the SEM.

IMC Photo

Lisbon, Portugal

Warm greetings from brothers and sisters in the faith of Jesus in the Church of God (Seventh Day) in Lisbon, Portugal.

Photographed in June 2018 during the visit of Sister Arely Echeveria from Western Australia.

IMC Photo

Visit to Uruguay

Thank God for His faithful people, around the corner and around the world.

Pictured here in IMC President Ramon Ruiz during his visit to one of the churches in Uruguay. May 2018.


Global Church Admin

The Global Church Administration Committee has been meeting regularly, discussing the work God has been doing among us, and working to be able to better serve our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world. The committee consists of Whaid Rose (Chair, USA), Ramon Ruiz (Mexico), Bryan Cleeton (USA), Paulo Coelho (Portugal), Robert Crawford (UK), John Klassek (Australia) and Tluang Kung (Myanmar).

IMC Photo


The General Conference in Guatemala met in June 2018. This was an occasion for teaching, fellowship, worship, as well as the commissioning of Walter Apen as Zone 2 Representative.

IMC Photo


May 2018. Ramon Ruiz and Jorge Gilling visited several churches and missions in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Peru, reporting the blessings as well as some challenges experienced during their trip.


Burundi Baptisms

Thank God for His good work among us! Recently, after several days of preaching and outreach, 53 new members were baptised in Burundi. November 2017. We pray that the Lord of the harvest will continue to mentor and send more labourers into the mission field.. 

General Conference Australia

General Conference AU

The General Conference in Australia, in January 2018, held in Adelaide, South Australia was a resounding success. Bringing brethren together from across Australia, the conference was by far the "best yet" with excellent worship music hosted by the "Joint Heirs Band", great opportunities for fellowship, as well as a series of sermons featuring the theme of "Christ Centred, Spirit Formed". Guest speakers were Tluang Kung from Myanmar and David Kidd from New Zealand.

IMC Global Admin Committee

Global Church Admin

December 2017.  The International Ministerial Congress recently held its first Global Church Administration subcommittee meeting. Connected via video conference, committee members discussed the mandate and sought clarity for the resolution taken at the Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2016. A general timeline for their work was also discussed.



Recently seven people were baptized into Jesus Christ by our COG7 pastor in Punjab, India.

Follow our Facebook pages for more information, often sharing photos of baptisms from around the world. 


IMC Annual Sabbath

The Annual IMC Sabbath this year was a great success, with testimonies, photos, videos and reports - all reflecting a great joy and unity of spirit in Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for your prayers and petitions. Thank you for your work and shared walk of faith.


Hurricanes and Earthquake

With two hurricanes hitting the Caribbean and the southern states of the US, and a major earthquake in Mexico, we thank God for the protection he provided.

No lives were lost among our fellowship. While the area in St Martin was affected by the worst of the storm, their church building remained largely unaffected. Several church buildings, however, were damaged in the Mexico earthquake.

Thanks to all who so generously contributed to the Disaster Relief Fund, as well as other donations designed to assist those in greatest need.


Shine Mission Peru 2017

The Shine Medical and Dental mission in Lima, Peru, has now concluded, with doctors, nurses and volunteers giving of their time and skills to provide essential medical help to 3045 people for free. The entirety of the mission involving outreach and evangelism is planned to minister there over the next three months.

We thank God for the work and planning in bringing these services to Peru, and for all those dedicated to helping. (See more photos in our Facebook feed below).

Mizoram, India

Golden Jubilee

The church in Mizoram, northern India, celebrated it 50th anniversary in February 2017. Many travelled throughout the mountainous region to be at the celebration, featuring a variety of speakers, music and dance, various presentations, the tolling of an anniversary bell, amidst a vibrant optimism for the ongoing work in the ministry of reconciliation throughout the region and the world.



From Yangon in Myanmar, nine students graduated from the Asian Theological Seminary in February 2017. Pictured above just prior to the graduation, the students upon completing their three year course, were deployed into ministry throughout Myanmar. Seven baptisms were also celebrated during the graduation weekend.

Worthy is the Lamb

Worthy is the Lamb

The Church of God (Seventh Day) in the USA met for their biennial Convention in Springfield, Illinois in July 2017. Members enjoyed fellowship meals together, inspiring evening services with the theme "Worthy is the Lamb", and progressively worked through the General Conference business agenda. Pictured above: the children's choir which featured numerous songs flavoured with an Egyptian theme.

Congress held in Buenos Aires, Argentina

The International Ministerial Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day), represented by over 100 delegates from 44 countries, met in Buenos Aries, Argentina, on 10-16 October 2016.

The Congress’ purpose is to promote doctrinal unity, to help coordinate world evangelism, and to provide theological training, literature and assistance to missionaries. Business concluded with a mandate of work to be completed by the next Congress in 2020. 

Ongoing Business of Congress

The work of the IMC continues every week, with our elected officers meeting reguarly via video conference, and communicating daily via email. Pictured above is brother Daniel Flores translating between English and  Spanish.

Now with various sub-committees underway, the congress activites are working to be on schedule for the next Congress meeting in 2020

Europe Meeting

A complex continent, Europe presents big challenges for the Church in proclaiming the good news: post-modern thinking, lack of religious commitment, slowing economies, and more.

Delegates from eight countries (Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Ukraine, and the UK) convened in Gloucester, England, September 19-20, 2016. Representatives from Mexico, Nigeria, and the US were also present. The purpose of this gathering was to strengthen relationships among brethren in Zone 7, learn from one another, and seek solutions for greater collaboration. This memorable event combined worship and fellowship to improve carrying out evangelism, discipleship, and service for the glory of God. 

Celebration in Guatemala

Sabbath, March 21, 2016, a meeting with the prominent churches of the country was celebrated at the Cementos Progreso Stadium in Guatemala City, with the theme “One Lord, One Faith.” More than ten thousand attendees participated in this historical event. Elders Ramon Ruíz and Carlos Ceron preached the Word of God: “The Unity of the Church: Origin and Purpose” and “The Church: One Nation With a Mission.” This great worship event, focusing on the communion and unity of God’s people, was covered by a local newspaper and published the following day. 

Snapshot Africa

In this stricken nation last year, our CoG7 brethren in Sierra Leone fought the Ebola epidemic (with the help of $60,000+ from the G. C. Disaster Relief Fund), planted and harvested their second annual rice crop, and maintained a thriving Orphans and Widows ministry.

Other West African nations in which the Church is established or has done mission work: Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, and Nigeria Southern Africa. In Angola CoG7 efforts began here in December, with Daniel Santos as leader. In Botswana,Robert Crawford and brothers from Zimbabwe conducted evangelistic efforts in Francistown in mid-2014. In Zambia: Robert Crawford and Tom Benzen visited here midyear; Orphans and Widows ministry sponsored seven young adult trainees to operate heavy equipment and various agricultural projects to help the church sustain itself. CoG7 is also active in Malawi, Zimbabwe, and South Africa East Africa. InEthiopia, Makuey Gai and Kun Bijany partner on a church plant in Gambella, where John Njogu of Kenya visits and baptizes seven. In Rwanda, John Njogu and Alexandre Masumbuko of Burundi travel here to resolve church leadership issues.
South Sudan Disaster Relief support was sent and government registration for the church was secured in 2014. And, Tanzania bore fruitful evangelistic crusades from when they were held last year.

Snapshot Asia

In the city of Faisalabad. Pakistan, CoG7 has constructed and opened a Bible seminary. Classes began August 10, with more than 70 ministry students expected. Shamas Pervaiz leads the church here with support from G. C. Missions.

In India, Orphans and Widows ministry is also active here. Pastor Jacob Rao, who serves as general secretary of India’s 250 CoG7 congregations.

In Myanmar, the Asian Christian Theological Seminary is in its second year, with eleven students under the tutelage of Tluang Kung (M.Th.). Trained leaders  increase CoG7’s ability to reach this Buddhist nation with the good news.

The Muslim and Buddhist countries of Malaysia and Thailand, respectively, the CoG7 is beginning work among refugees from Pakistan and Myanmar.

Under Pastor Billy Abugan’s leadership, the Church in the Philippines reports 79 churches in this mostly Catholic nation. Bible Training Institute equips pastors and leaders here, and translation of This We Believe is underway. Outreach opportunities also exist in Nepal, Bhutan, U.A.E., Qatar, Oman, and Saudi Arabia. Pray for more workers!

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The Whole Word for the Whole World

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