Dear brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the Church of God (Seventh Day),
"I was dead and now I am alive." Jesus' familiar words as quoted from Scripture is really our testimony as well.
We who were dead to sin, are now alive in Christ. We who received Christ, believed in His name, are now redeemed and reconciled. What cause for praise and joy! And so, every year, together around the world we celebrate this new covenant reality, sealed in Jesus' blood and written into our very hearts. This year the Lord's Supper commemoration is on 26 March 2021, just after sunset.
Within the International Ministerial Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day) we work and celebrate together in unison in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the glory of our Heavenly Father. We proclaim the annual renewal of our Christ covenant. The broken bread symbolises Jesus' broken body. The fruit of the vine Jesus' shed blood in our place. And, in humility, we wash each other's feet, in the manner Jesus himself set. We do this in community, in communion and because of the new covenant. We proclaim Jesus' pre-eminence every time we participate.
Please have this this letter read throughout your zone/conference area, and encourage all pastors to share this important and timely message in their local churches.
In Jesus Name, on behalf of the International Ministerial Congress,