Selected Videos

The videos filmed below are included for your viewing. The first video shares some insight into the formation of the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation.

Other videos reflect content from the previous era of the International Ministerial Congress.

Equipped for the Global Mission

Introduction to the IMC Annual Sabbath on 4 November 2023, of "Equipped for the Global Mission." Presented by IMC President, Ramon Ruiz 7 min. (To download using Edge or Chrome, click on the three dots in the LRH corner.)


Continuing the Mission of Jesus

On the first Sabbath of every November, the Church of God (Seventh Day) around the world celebrates and proclaims the commission and mission of Jesus Christ. What did Jesus Christ initiate and then entrust to his followers? What is the mission of Jesus? How can we be faithful to that calling?


La Cena del Señor

Pastor Ramón Ruiz Garza shares a timely message in the lead-up to the Lord's Supper service on Friday 26 March 2021.


Lord's Supper Home Service

As a result of the COVID-19 virus restrictions, we've produced this video to assist and guide those who might be contemplating facilitating the Lord's Supper service in their own home. 10 min.


IMC Annual Sabbath 2020

Pre-recorded Sabbath worship service for 7 November 2020


Family Groups
House Churches

Five simple steps to better support and facilitate the vibrancy of our house churches. 29 April 2020.



Pastor Ramón Ruiz Garza shares some excellent advice during this time of heightened international uncertainty.


The Lord's Supper

Commemorating, celebrating and proclaiming Jesus Christ until he comes, the Lord's Supper service is deep with meaning and significance for those remembering the terms of their new covenant life in Jesus. 2 min.


with Elber Galeas

Share Elber's experience growing up in El Salvador during the civil war, and now in the United States, as interviewed by John Klassek.
11 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Voice of Truth Radio

Working actively to share the gospel in the local community, the church in the Philippines owns and operates a radio station in central Mindanao. We spoke with a few people involved in this ministry. 19 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Ministry in Myanmar

While recently visiting several churches in Myanmar, International Ministerial Congress Executive Director Bryan Cleeton interviewed one of the widows a local church is assisting. 20 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Conversations with
Bryan Cleeton

In this interview as filmed in Dallas Texas last month, Bryan Cleeton shares of his calling and current work in international ministry.
10 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Conversations with
Robert Coulter

Elder Robert Coulter reflects on his life and ministry in the pioneering work of the International Ministerial Congress, Church of God (Seventh Day). Filmed in Dallas, TX, USA in October 2019.
25 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Interview with Ramon Ruiz

Interview with Ramon Ruiz, president of the International Ministerial Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day) 10 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Conversations IMC

In this interview, Joshua Anderson asks current IMC Secretary John Klassek about his experience serving in the International Ministerial Congress. 11 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

IMC Annual Sabbath 2019

On the first Sabbath in November the Church of God (Seventh Day) joins in celebration around the world acknowledging God's good work among us, and expressing gratitude for those who labor among us. 3 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

IMC Annual Sabbath 2019

Celebrating God's good work around the world amidst different cultures, languages and ethnicity, and proclaiming one LORD, one faith, one gospel and one hope. 3 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Called to Serve

IMC Executive Director, Bryan Cleeton, shares a message titled "Called to Serve" at the Zone 5 Convention in Ghana, Africa.
60 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Will We Live Again?

Are we courageous enough to ask those big questions and are we further prepared for the confronting answers to our reality?
4 min. (Spanish subtitles)

Messageweek Media Ministries

Conversations with
Pastor Dick Baclaan

Pastor Dick Baclaan shares of the journey of the Church of God (Seventh Day) in the Philippines, as interviewed by IMC Secretary John Klassek. 21 min

IMC News

IMC News

Introducing the second edition of IMC News, a quarterly newsletter published by the International Ministerial Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day) featuring Ramon Ruiz's editorial on the importance of the Lord's Supper. 1 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Why we need to be
Christ Centred

Pastor Jason Overman explores why we need to be Christ centred. IMC Zone 2 Convention, Belize, Central America, March 2019. Spanish translation by Pastor Daniel Flores. 43 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries


Conversación con Walter Apen, Pastor y representante de IMC Zona 2, discutiendo el ministerio en toda América Central. 19 min.

Conversation with Walter Apen, Pastor and IMC Zone 2 representative, discussing ministry throughout Central America.

Messageweek Media Ministries


Commemorating, celebrating and proclaiming Jesus Christ's death, resurrection and glory, again this year at the Lord's Supper. 2 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries


Conversations with Phil Kordahi, Pastor and IMC Zone 6 Representative, discussing ministry throughout the Pacific Rim.
13 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries


Pastor Hector Renderos, during a recent visit to Australia, discusses life and ministry with IMC Secretary John Klassek. 14 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

What is Edification?

Pastor Whaid Rose, (translation by Pastor Maxwell Coffie), explores the beauty of the Bride of Christ when edified (built up) by each one of us. 45 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Ministry in Rwanda

Pastor Job Emmanuel Habyalimana talks about ministry and work in Rwanda, Africa, as interviewed by Tshidzanani Malaba (Zimbabwe) and translated by Abrahams Odongo (Kenya). 19 min.

IMC Video

The Preeminece of Christ

Celebrating the preeminence of Christ on this IMC Annual Sabbath. "It is our prayer that from the great diversity in which God is calling us, that we might become one in Christ." 2 min.


Ministry in Sierra Leone

Pastors Victor Bangura and Manasseh Boima share their journey of faith in Christ where they live, work and minister in Sierra Leone.
26 min.

IMC Video

Building Bridges
Between Brethren

Through song, dance and sermon, Dr Patrick Oyinkari reminds us that in Christ there is no divide - we are all one in Christ as brothers and sisters. Presented at the Zone 5 Africa Convention in Ghana.
68 min.


Purpose of the Church

Pastor Whaid Rose explores "The Purpose of the Church" in his presentation at the Zone 5 Africa Convention in Ghana, August 2018. 54 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Called to Fellowship

Exploring the theme "Becoming a Christ Centered Church" at the Zone 5 African Convention, 2018, in Offinso, Ghana, Elder John Klassek explains the importance of Fellowship as a pillar of living a Christ-centered life. 45 min.

The Call of Jesus Christ To The Great Commission

The Call of Jesus Christ...

Elder Daniel Flores explores Jesus' call in our lives, directing Jesus' disciples to be about His will and work in the Great Commission. IMC Zone 5 Convention in Ghana, Africa. 47 min.

A Christ Centered Church

Becoming A
Christ Centered Church

Elder Karell Wilson introduces "Becoming A Christ Centered Church" in his sermon message at the International Ministerial Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day) Zone 5 Convention 2018 in Ghana. 37 min.

A Christ Centered Church

Christ Centered

The theme of the IMC Zone 5 Convention 2018 in Ghana, Africa, was "Becoming a Christ Centered Church". Join in the celebrations through this short video introduction. 3 min.

(Subtítulos en español)

Messageweek Media Ministries

Pre-eminence of Christ

The surpassing peace of God versus those transitory but terrifying beasts and apocalyptic imagery that pepper scripture only find their context in the pre-eminence of Jesus Christ. 24 min.

The Whole Word for the Whole World

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