What We Believe

The Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation

  1. The Holy Scriptures We believe the Scriptures, contained within the Old and New Testaments, are inspired by God, inerrant in the original writing, and the only infallible rule by which human conduct and religious beliefs and practices should be determined.
  2. God, the Father We believe in one God, the Eternal Spirit, and Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the universe, who is infinite in wisdom, holiness and love. By His own initiative God offers salvation to everyone and is worthy of our love, reverence, and obedience.
  3. Jesus, the Son We believe in Jesus, the Messiah and Savior, only begotten Son of the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin. We affirm His pre-existence, incarnation, sinless life, death as a substitutionary atonement, entombment for three full days and nights, bodily resurrection and ascension into heaven, present work as Mediator and High Priest and His personal, visible, imminent, premillennial return to rule on earth as Judge and King.
  4. The Holy Spirit We believe in the Holy Spirit as the manifestation and power which proceeds from the Father and the Son to regenerate, sanctify, teach, guide and preserve all believers. Obedience to God and “fruit of the Spirit” are evidence of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life.
  5. Man and Sin We believe that man was created sinless in the image of God. Through Adam’s disobedience, man became a sinner by nature and by choice and thereby incurred sin’s penalty, physical death and ultimately, if in an unsaved condition, eternal death (annihilation).
  6. Man and Death We believe that physical death is a state of unconsciousness for all persons, righteous and wicked, a state which will remain unchanged until their resurrections. The righteous will receive eternal life and the wicked will suffer annihilation.
  7. Man and Salvation We believe that man is saved from eternal death (annihilation) solely by the grace of God through faith, apart from human merit, works or ceremonies. Christ’s death is given as payment for sins, and is offered to all who will accept it.
  8. The Church We believe the Church of God, consisting of baptized believers who keep the faith of Jesus and the commandments of God, is of divine origin under the Lordship of Christ and exists universally and locally for the preaching of the gospel, for the nurture and fellowship of the believers and for service to the human race.
  9. Church Ordinances We believe Christ prescribed two ordinances for the church which confirm faith in Him. 1) Baptism by immersion symbolizes the believer’s death to sin and new birth in Christ. 2) Lord’s Supper as an annual memorial of Christ’s death symbolizes the believer’s continued union with the Savior. Footwashing as an act of humility accompanies the Lord’s Supper.
  10. The Ten Commandments We believe the Ten Commandments, including the true seventh-day Sabbath, existing from creation and included in both the old and new covenant, constitute the basic code of conduct for all mankind. They are to be observed today, as an expression of one’s love to God and fellowman.
  11. Christian Living We believe the Christian, in keeping with his confession of faith in Christ, is called to a holy and godly life in thought, word and deed. This is exemplified in one’s interaction with others, beginning in the home, which God established with the institution of marriage, and extending to the church and community. It is because a Christian has been redeemed, not in order to be redeemed, that he should: 1) Reflect that his body is the “temple of the Holy Spirit” by his choice of entertainment, dress, conduct, personal habits and diet which includes eating only those meats designated by the Bible as “clean” for food. 2) Respond to the physical and spiritual needs of humanity by relieving suffering, hunger, ignorance, loneliness and by witnessing for the gospel. Accordingly, a Christian’s participation in warfare is contrary to his humanitarian calling. 3) Serve God “in spirit and truth” by refraining from religious practices and celebrations which intermix Christianity with paganism. 4) Support the church’s mission by active involvement and financial stewardship of tithes and offerings. 5) Maintain his relationship with God through prayer, fasting, Bible study, worship and obedience.
  12. Prophecy and Second Coming of Christ We believe that Bible prophecy identifies certain religious, social, and political events and trends, including the rebirth of Israel, which precede and point to the imminent return of Christ, to establish His kingdom on earth, culminating in the eternal preeminence of the Father over all.

The Whole Word for the Whole World

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