Congress in session
"Equipped for the Global Mission"

13-18 November 2023

The International Ministerial Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day) hosted its congress in session in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, on 13-18 November 2023.

Photo gallery coming soon

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Download IMC Registration form

Please download the necessary information and registration forms, noting their submission date. Please complete and send to our Secretary imc-secretary(at) Thank you.

Quick facts...

Ready information for the IMC congress in session.

  1. DATES - The quadrennial IMC congress in session is being planned to be hosted on 13-18 November 2023. A draft schedule of planned events is now available in English and Spanish (see above links) in PDF format.
  2. WHERE - The congress will be hosted for the first time in Zone 5, on the African continent. The IMC congress in session will be held at: Desikok Royal Hotel, 5-7 Abua Street, Port Harcourt,  Rivers State, Nigeria. Accommodation will also be at the same venue.
  3. AGENDA - The main item of business has already been sent to national conferences. Further information will be progressively sent by email, as well as be available for download.
  4. COST - Cost per delegate is now finalised with costs covering internal transportation, meals, accommodation and security totals $900 USD and is payable by 1 September 2023. You may pay using our online payment facility.
  5. THEME - The theme of this quadrennial congress in session is "Equipped for the Global Mission"
  6. FINANCE - Please ensure your national conference has allocated sufficient funds to send a Representative Delegate and an Alternative Delegate for this year's Congress in Nigeria.
  7. OBSERVERS - An Observer may attend the congress in session but is not entitled to participate in voting or deliberations. There is one vote for each country in attendance. Applicants must obtain the written approval from their national conference President, and pay the full registration fee by 1 September 2023.
  8. VACCINATION - Ensure you have consulted with your local doctor for vaccination advice. Yellow Fever vaccination is mandatory/recommended for entry to Nigeria. Malaria medication is also recommended.
  9. COVID-19 - Given current and updated information, we believe that its current assessment should not impact our plans. There are no COVID entry restrictions to Nigeria (these were removed some time ago).
  10. VISAS - Visas will be available for all delegates arriving in Nigeria due to special arrangements with the Nigerian government. No need to apply for a visa beforehand; a digital copy of the visa will be sent to you prior to departure in order to conform with immigration requirements.
  11. REGISTRATION - All registrations must be received by the deadline of 1 July 2023, and emailed to our Secretary at imc-secretary(at)
  12. POWER PLUG ADAPTER - The power plug adapter you will require while in Nigeria is pictured in the image below
Power plug adapter for Nigeria

Power point in Nigeria

Power plug adapter

Image of the type of power point that is utilised in Nigeria. Please ensure you have the appropriate power plug adapter for hotel use while staying in Nigeria.

13-18 November 2023.

Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Every four years the International Ministerial Congress meets in a designated world location, bringing together representative delegates of more than 60 countries. Please pray for an out-pouring of the Holy Spirit as we work together to fulfill Christ's commission.

Countdown until 13 November 2023:

Equipped for the Global Mission!

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