Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation


To the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation

In November 2023, The International Ministerial Congress successfully voted on a proposal to further develop our collective mission and vision by adopting a new name with revised bylaws: Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation.

This is a truly historic moment for our part of the Body of Christ in our journey from the 1840s as a people characterised by those who "keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." A revised and updated set of Bylaws, together with Vision, Mission and Purpose statements, were developed over several years by a committee assigned the task in 2016. 

(The above photo is from a recent church convention held in Lunglei, Mizoram, India.)

The Church of God (Seventh Day)
Lord's Supper service

Join us across this world to commemorate and proclaim our Lord Jesus Christ

Countdown to the Lord's  Supper Service

Friday evening, 11 April 2025



From the Federation President

Brothers and Sisters,

I consider it an honour to extend sincere greetings to you through our Lord Jesus Christ who gave Himself to redeem us and to give us this blessed hope of eternal life. I trust you are prospering in health even as our spiritual man prospers.

November 2023  was indeed an historic and special time for the Church of God (Seventh Day). Delegates from thirty nations met in Nigeria, West Africa, for the meeting of the International Ministerial Congress (IMC), and it was historic and special for several reasons. Firstly it was the first time the IMC was held on the continent of Africa, and I must say this was indeed an extraordinary occasion that will be remembered by those in attendance.

Secondly, it was significant because it saw the birth of what is now, The Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation as a Global Church. It is necessary to give you the background for this new development and change: Following its 2016 Congress in Argentina, the IMC President Pastor Ramon Ruiz appointed a committee tasked with the responsibility of fulfilling the mandates of the following resolution approved by the Congress in Session:-

WHEREAS the Church of God (Seventh Day) exists in many nations of the world and is growing into more nations of the world; WHEREAS the Church of God (Seventh Day) is organized in or among these many nations as local congregations, districts, and national or regional conferences; and WHEREAS these conferences are affiliated together as members of a ministerial organization – the International Ministerial Congress, but they are not affiliated as members of a global Church of God (Seventh Day) organization because a global Church of God (Seventh Day) organization does not yet exist; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the Officers of the International Ministerial Congress appoint a committee to prepare a plan for the creation of a global Church of God (Seventh Day) organization, said plan to be presented and discussed for possible adoption during the IMC 2020 meeting.”

To fulfil this directive, the Global Church Administration Committee, was appointed by the IMC President. The Committee was comprised of the following members: Whaid Rose (Committee Chairperson), Ramon Ruiz (Mexico – IMC President), Bryan Cleeton (USA), John Klassek (Australia), Paulo Jorge Coelho (Portugal), Robert Crawford (United Kingdom, Africa) and Tluang Kung (Myanmar).

I wish to place on record my thanks to the committee members under the Leadership of Pastor Whaid Rose for the hard work done in having the report ready which was presented, deliberated on and after several amendments was accepted by the delegates in attendance.

We are now in a new era, the old has passed and we now look forward to new beginnings, I am aware that all change carries with it challenges but by the grace of God I am confident that we can navigate those to the glory of God for the growth and development of the Global Church of God.

Having been elected as the First President of this new Federation, I have accepted this position with much humility being conscious of the magnitude of the task ahead of me and the awesome responsibility of leading God’s people around the world. I must admit I feel like Moses when he was called to go to Pharaoh, however, I have great consolation knowing that as God was with Moses so He will be with me.

I will seek to lead under the guidance of the Holy Spirit with love, integrity, and a willingness to learn from stalwarts who have paved the way for me, I will be grateful for Godly advice along the way. Let me thank Pastor Ramon Ruiz for the years of sterling service he has given to what was then the IMC, his work and contribution will never be forgotten.

I want to thank God that I am not alone I do appreciate that I am surrounded by a wonderful group of brothers whom I know are committed to the task and together I know we can accomplish great things through Christ.

As the Federation we have carefully considered our Vision, Purpose, Mission, and Authority, which I will share in brief with the hope that we will embrace and take ownership to God’s glory.

Vision: The Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation is a fellowship of churches and conferences, connected across this world, yet united in its diverse gifts, talents, cultures, and callings. Its corporate identity is in its commitment to the centrality of Christ and the observance of the Ten Commandments including the Seventh Day Sabbath (Rev

14:12) as it increasingly reflects the image of Christ’s body (1 Cor 12:12) and thereby achieving a greater vision than the sum of its individual parts.

Purpose: The purpose of the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation is to facilitate the development, unity, and growth of its churches and conferences around the world, forming them into a cohesive and vibrant Christ community. The Federation joyfully fulfils its unique role in the greater Body of Christ, and in the world, through the transformative power of the gospel, teaching biblical truths and its application, until Jesus returns.

Mission: The Mission of the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation is to achieve by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, its stated vision and purpose through an administrative structure that is defined by Godly leadership, measurable goals and objectives, clear communication, a sustainable financial model, with innovation and creativity. In an environment of trust, mutual accountability, and a commitment to assist, encourage, and understand one another. The Federation prayerfully embraces Jesus’ heart for the church He is building – in reconciling lost humanity to God, through Jesus’ blood for the glory of the Father to the ends of the earth.

Statement of Authority: With Christ as its head (Colossians 1:18), with the Bible as its sole authority for doctrine and Christian conduct (2 Timothy 3:16), with its commitment to walking a healthy balance between autonomy and interdependence (Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 5:2-5), and with its bylaws and organizing documents, the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation retains the right to function as a global ecclesiastical entity, to seek and protect the spiritual well being of its members, to conduct the business of the church, including the faithful stewardship of finances, to protect itself against liability and civil interference, and to protect its membership and material interests.

I want to assure you that, as President of the Federation my one desire is to see the Church advance in new territory, encourage training and development, so that we will be sound in our theology. Most importantly that there will be transformation in the lives of members and that those who receive the gospel will be impacted in such a way that others will see the light of Jesus and will seek to know more of Him.

My joy is that all members of the Board share the Vision, Purpose, and Mission of the Federation. It is my pleasure to use this medium to officially introduce them to you, we are your humble servants, and we ask for your sincere prayers. Further communication will be sent to you shortly from the Federation Secretary Bryan Cleeton.

Robert Crawford

I would like to, on behalf of the Board, express our sincere appreciation to the Leadership of the Nigerian Conference, and in particular to Bro Felix Obuah whose hospitality, love and care for the delegates exceeded all expectations. May the Lord continue to bless them for their labour of love.

Robert Crawford, President
Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation

Annual Sabbath 2024

The Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation actively works to take the gospel to the world by equipping our national conferences, pastors and missionaries. We work for doctrinal unity and global evangelism, and as such, we thank God for His good work among us.

Our identity and purpose is in Jesus Christ alone - in His word, in His will, for His glory, for ever and ever. However, we need "our daily bread" resources to continue ministering to those needs around us.

May our celebration together around the world during this Sabbath on 2 November 2024 unite us further, strengthen us, and help us build greater Kingdom in-roads, as we give thanks for your donations and look forward to working together as Ambassadors for Christ.

Date: 9 November 2024

2 November 2024

Equipped for the Global Mission by the power of the Holy Spirit...

The theme this year is "Equipped for the Global Mission by the Holy Spirit", and each Sabbath worship service will be designed around exploring this theme. 

Livestreaming Sabbath Worship Services


See our list of available livestreaming services around the world, who are regularly livestreaming Sabbath worship services.

Is your local church livestreaming Sabbath worship services?

List your church's livestreaming service here so that others experiencing social isolation in the current COVID-19 crisis may be able to easily find your service. 

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