

General information for churches. Please check this website regularly as information on the coronavirus may change.

COVID-19 information

Information about COVID-19

Generic information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. This information page may be updated regularly, featuring additional content as may be necessary.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Dear brothers and sisters in the faith of Jesus throughout the International Ministerial Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day).

Warm greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.

The COVID-19 virus is affecting our churches around the world, and we are writing to share some basic information as we continually assess incoming information and national government precautionary measures.

We encourage you to remain strong in prayer during this time of “trial” and uncertainty, keeping our eyes of faith on Jesus alone. Pray for God’s divine providence, guidance and wisdom. Pray for God’s people everywhere, and pray that those who do not yet know God may do so and find grace and peace.

We also encourage you to be conversant with national and regional regulations as they are being implemented to help control this virus outbreak; you may also have relevant information from your church’s conference and national leadership.

It is essential throughout this unprecedented time of quarantine and lock-down, that as members of the Body of Christ, we stay in contact with one another, encouraging each other through whatever means we have, be it phone calls, social media or other digital platforms. If you have any valuable online resource links, feel free to share them.

Because many countries have imposed varying quarantine measures and limitations regarding size of groups, we encourage you to be familiar with what those measures are and then seek, if possible, to facilitate Bible Study groups (for example, with up to ten members). Social-distancing etiquette must be taken into consideration.

With the imminence of the Lord’s Supper service on 7th April 2020, please consult with your national leadership in order to facilitate this important service within specific homes and smaller groups. Please ensure high standards of hygiene are maintained, included the recommended use of hand sanitiser, and food-safe gloves for the symbols of bread and wine.

Please note that the information in this notice is generic in nature, and may not fit each country’s specific situation.

Should you have any questions, or require additional information, including available church service livestreaming information, please feel free to share this infomation with us.

Jesus said, "I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." May our faith receive both Jesus and His words which never pass away.

On behalf of the International Ministerial Congress,.


Coronavirus update

Message from Pastor Ramon Ruiz at this time of heightened uncertainty.



Several of our churches are now livestreaming Sabbath worship services each week. This may assist smaller house groups that join in livestreamed worship services/sermons on their television, computer, tablet or smartphone. Please see current listing of churches providing this service each Sabbath.

Can't get to church this weekend?
Join the Sabbath worship services livestream.

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We will respond as soon as we can.

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